MWM in Sports: A Specialized Course in Sports Therapy and Manual Sports Medicine is a practical and interactive two intensive days of Mobilizations with Movement (MWM) as it applies to sports-related physiotherapy and manual sports medicine. While recognizing the multidimensional nature of the musculoskeletal system and the biopsychosocial elements involved and the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches.  This course deals mainly with the health and function of the articular system and its implications on sports function and performance.

The MWM in Sports was initiated in 2011 by Brian R. Mulligan (NZ), Robert Rosetti NES (USA), and Josef M. Andersen (DK).  The content is based on Brian Mulligan’s published principles and Josef Andersen’s decades of experience applying MWMs in sports-specific contexts (MWMS).

Further developments of initial screening tests, treatment techniques, and reasoning strategies were applied to multiple body regions; upper cervical spine, shoulder, ribcage, hip, pelvis, and ankle. These reasoning strategies, tests, and treatment techniques are integrated and exclusive to this hands-on lab course.

The course aims at preparing the therapist to deal with athletes at all levels and facilitate the return of the sportsperson to sports after an injury that has affected participation for a longer period than usual. The emphasis of this course is like Brian Mulligan’s MWMs, where the key component of interest is narrowed to optimal functional movements, and the target of assessment and treatment is the articular system.

(Full Description, Outline and learning outcomes can be found when you view the course location details)

Course Prerequisites

  • Completion of both Mulligan Upper and Lower Quadrant courses.
  • It is recommended that you wear loose, comfortable lab clothing (with long hair pulled back) to facilitate your learning/prep for the course
  • Intended for only licensed physical therapists and other clinicians whose scope of practice includes mobilization/manipulative therapy. (PT, MD, DO, DC, OT) In order for PTA’s or ATC’s to attend, your state must allow you to perform mobilization / manipulative therapy.

    Email us @ to schedule a private course at your facility.
